Use this handy Getting Ready Checklist to ensure you are set to go for the show! This coincides with all the information below and makes sure you do not miss anything.
Kindness is Contagious!
VENDOR DECORUM: We ask all vendors to uphold a professional demeanor during the event. If any issues or concerns arise, please bring them to our attention at the show office for resolution. Our aim is to maintain a positive and respectful environment, free from gossip or negativity. Early tear down of your booth space is a breach of contract and will result in a ban from all MPE shows. Your cooperation in fostering a professional atmosphere is greatly appreciated.
Christmas Show Checklist
Use this handy Getting Ready Checklist to ensure you are set to go for the show!

Vendor Kit
Victorian Country Christmas Festival is produced and managed by:
Marketplace Events LLC
2000 Auburn Dr., Ste 200
Beachwood, OH 44122 |
Thursday, December 4 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday, December 5 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday, December 6 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Sunday, December 7 10:00 am - 6:00 pm WiFi & Internet AccessThe Washington State Fair Events Center offers open Wi-Fi access but doesn’t provide technical support. The Wi-Fi is free to use and no password is required. For access please go into your phone settings and select “Fair Guest”. Make sure you wait and select “Accept Terms” when prompted. You can also connect your POS systems to a personal hotspot for reliable internet access. This ensures seamless transactions even when traditional WiFi is unavailable. The Washington State Fair Events Center does not provide DSL service. For a secured line you must order from Lumen and complete the telephone order form (see above) and return it to the Fair Office or order through a local provider. If you have questions please call Brenda at the Washington State Fair Events Center at 253-841-5057.
ADDITIONAL RULE AND REGULATIONSWe invite you to review our Vendor Kit, which provides a brief overview of the rules and regulations for the show. For more detailed information, please refer to the Additional Rules and Regulations: CLICK HERE. If you have any questions or need further clarification, don't hesitate to reach out to
To view the Move-In map with designated load-in areas, please CLICK HERE. While the load-in areas are clearly labeled, please be aware that they may be subject to change due to weather conditions. We recommend checking for updates closer to the event. Thank you for your understanding and flexibility.
Tuesday, Dec 2: 8:00am - 8:00pm
Wednesday, Dec 3: 8:00am - 8:00pm
All exhibits must be in place no later than 8:00 pm on Wednesday, December 3rd. No vehicle traffic will be allowed in the building unless previous arrangements have been made. There will be no placing, moving, altering or dismantling of a display after 9:00 am on Thursday, December 4th. If you cannot adhere to this schedule, please contact Show Management immediately. During move in, please make sure to breakdown any cardboard for the facility staff to pick up.
Sunday, Dec 7: 6:01pm - 10:00pm
We would like to kindly inform our vendors that the pick-up window for remaining materials from the site will be available on Monday from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Please note that Monday is not designated as a move-out day, and all booths should be fully torn down by Sunday evening. Alternatively, booths must be consolidated by Sunday evening to allow contractors to begin dismantling the storefronts
Exhibits cannot be disassembled or moved out until the Show is over at 6:01 pm. The public pays to see an entire Show. On move out you will not be allowed to move your vehicles close to the buildings until all of the attendees have left and vehicles can move safely about.
No vehicle traffic will be allowed in the buildings unless previous arrangements have been made. Please be courteous and do not block the truck entrances or doors. Your patience is appreciated as some displays and carpet must be removed before any vehicles and/or trailers can come into the buildings.
Important: During the hours of move-in and move-out all the grass areas are strictly forbidden to be driven on. If you are found parked or driving on the grass you will be billed any cost associated with the repair or replacement of the grass, per Washington State Fair Events Center regulations.
Please do not bring young children to move-in or move-out, as you will be personally responsible if they are injured or if they damage another person’s property.
Free Parking is available for all vendors in the Blue and Gold Parking Lots on South Meridian Street, directly across from the show. Please note that overnight parking is not permitted in these lots. Handicap parking spaces are located at the front of both lots for your convenience. Trailers requiring parking for show days or overnight will be directed to the Green Lot. To view a grounds and parking map, please CLICK HERE.
Please print and complete the Security Hang Tag below to help alleviate congestion at the service gate. This tag is specifically for move-in and move-out purposes and allows you one hour for unloading. Once your vehicle is unloaded, please park it in the Blue or Gold Lot and return to complete the setup of your booth. This process is designed to ensure a smooth and efficient experience for all participants.
Marketplace Events does not provide fork lift services for move-in or move-out. Due to insurance policies along with the facility requirements, all fork lift service must be contracted through the Show Decorator. Please contact: Trade Show Supply House at 360-624-4498.
Each booth receives up to 5 badges for exhibitor staff, which gains access to the buildings on show days. Please pick your badges during move-in at the Show Office. The Show Office is located in the back of the Showplex, with access between booths 913 + 951 - Ground Floor. If you need to leave badges for staff, they can be picked at Will Call at the Gold Gate.
Once picked up, you are responsible for distributing the badges to your staff prior to entering the fairgrounds. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR BADGE IN YOUR BOOTH. Replacements are $7 each if badge is lost or left in booth.
If you need more badges than will be allotted to you it is at the show staff's discretion, please contact
A Vendor badge will be required to enter the show floor. All loading dock doors will be closed and there will be no access granted during show hours. If you need to restock your booth with supplies, please do it one hour before the show opens. Security is permitted to stop any Vendor from entering or exiting through the side entrances or loading dock doors. There is no smoking allowed inside the building. On show days, exhibitors can enter the building at 8 am with an exhibitor badge to restock. Exhibitors may be subject to a search prior to entering the facility. This can include bags, backpacks, purses, briefcases, etc. Please be prepared for this on opening day and arrive early.
If you require access to the premises earlier than two hours before the show, you must obtain authorization from the Show Management the day prior. Security personnel will not permit access without this authorization. If the facility requires special arrangements for extra security during this early access, the cost of this security will be charged to the exhibitor.
- Final Payment: Full and final payment for exhibit space must be made November 15. Show Management reserves the right to refuse entry to any Vendor whose account has not been settled and paid in full. If you have signed and authorized Marketplace Events to automatically charge your card on your original contract, please make sure funds are available in the proper time frame. If you have any questions regarding payment processes, please contact Piper Newman at or 206-756-0930. Any contracts that are outstanding after the show cycle is completed will automatically be sent to collections and the Vendor will still be responsible to pay off the booth space and will not be allowed to exhibit in any future shows with Marketplace Events.
- Dress Code: The dress code is so important for the overall theme of the show. The dress code plays a vital role in bringing our theme to life, and your contribution will enhance everyone’s enjoyment of the show. Explore some inspiration on Amazon for both Womens & Mens attire. Let’s come together and celebrate our theme in style! No Denim.
- Floor Covering Required: You can order carpet from the Show Decorator or bring your own flooring materials. It should be professional-looking and clean and must cover your entire booth floor corner to corner. No partial floor coverings are permitted. All edges of a carpet must be taped down – double sided tape is acceptable. Duct tape is not allowed to secure the flooring. Any Vendor leaving tape remnants will be charged a fee for cleanup.
- Signage: All signs must be tasteful and professional. The use of handwritten signs, paper banners, large discount pricing cards or other such material is not permitted. Signage may not impede adjacent booths. Signs identifying your booth, company or products must be clear and informative. No signs over 8 feet high are allowed. Any booth signs or product should not block show signage or other displays.
**Please note the Tacoma Dome policy forbids the hanging of signage from the building structure.
- Table Coverings Required: Table coverings must be clean and pressed, and extend all the way to the floor. 'Makeshift' or plastic tablecloths are not permitted. You can order coverings/skirting from the Show Decorator or bring your own.
- Display: All exhibits must be free standing and self-supporting. Free standing bulletin boards, signs, etc. may be used providing exhibits are not hidden from view. Unfinished sides or backgrounds must be draped. Racks and display shelves must not unduly obstruct visibility of adjacent exhibits. Tables must be professionally skirted (no plastic) with floor-length skirting on all visible sides.
- Holiday Decor Required: This is Christmas event, and we ask you to plan your space accordingly with holiday décor. We ask that everyone decorate their space to include décor, lights, trees, etc. We know from other shows that those booths that are decorated do better! The shoppers are feeling festive! All booths must be decorated in a holiday theme and should reflect the holiday spirit. Think of your booth like a picture window at a department store and decorate appropriately, with an easy flow into your booth space.
- Booth Pipe and Drape: All inline exhibit spaces will three sides of 8’ high pipe with black drape. Corner booths will have two sides of 8' high, black drape. One 500 watt 120-volt duplex receptacle will be provided for each booth.
- Booth Lighting: Given that the drape is black, we strongly recommend incorporating additional lighting to ensure the space feels inviting and vibrant. You can rent lighting equipment through Tradeshow for a convenient solution. If you prefer to purchase your own, we’ve provided an Amazon link with some great options to consider: CLICK HERE. Adequate lighting will not only enhance visibility but also highlight your displays beautifully!
- Storage: Any and all stored items, ranging from inventory to personal effects, must be stored completely out of sight. Storage is available on a first come first served basis and is located in the locker rooms. Please see Show Office for location.Storage areas are located in locker rooms “A” & “E”, dry storage in locker room “C”, and empty box storage areas are located in locker rooms “B” & “D”.
- Mascots: Please be aware that our show will not feature mascots or holiday characters such as Santa, the Grinch, or Mrs. Claus, etc. However, we are delighted to have a Santa available for photos, and attendees will be directed to that area for a fun photo opportunity.
- Exhibit Boundaries: Nothing, including carpet, may extend past the outer boundaries of an exhibit into the aisles or an adjoining booth. Solicitation in the aisles and other public areas other than your booth is strictly prohibited.
- Display Vehicles: Please refer to page 4 of the Rules and Regulations.
- Distracting Devices: Any attention attracting devices, such as noisemakers, flashing lights, movies, music, broadcasting, television, drawings, etc., are subject to Show Management approval. Devices which are obviously distracting and annoying to exhibitors are prohibited (Hardwall systems must be used for stereo equipment to reduce noise).
- Exhibitor Conduct: Show Management reserves the right to refuse admission or ask to leave the facility to any exhibitor or exhibitor's employee who is deemed by Show Management to be unfit, intoxicated, or is in any way creating a disruption to the show.
- Click here for your Exhibitor Terms and Conditions.
Maximize your business’s exposure and attract more customers by upgrading your vendor listing. As a vendor, you have a basic listing live on the website, and now you can Enhance It! This is included in the contracted space cost and is no additional charge.
Within 24 hours, you will receive an automated email providing a link to elevate your listing. This link gives you the flexibility to make updates and changes to your listing as frequently as you like until one day after the show ends. Your listing will stay active for as long as you participate in the show.
If you have any questions regarding the online vendor listing or if you do not receive the email with the link, please email our digital coordinator at
For any assistance with your listing, please consult the FAQ section.
We believe this opportunity will greatly benefit your business and we are excited to assist in maximizing your presence at the show.
Learn more about the benefits of creating your enhanced listing.
The Show will be using black drape and red carpet. If you would like special color drapes other than those furnished by Show Management, a charge will be made to you by the Show Decorator. The Show Decorator is Trade Show Supply House, Inc. You may contact them at 360-624-4498 for rental of carpets, furniture, sign-making and cleaning of displays. Please be advised, if not ordered in advance, services and equipment will be subject to “floor order” rates.
Click below for order form:
Electrical power won't be available earlier than Vendor access. Each booth and bulk space is furnished with one (1) fused 120-volt duplex receptacle outlet of up to 5 AMPS capacity without charge. If you need addition power, please fill out the order form below and email to Daniyelle Villyard at If not ordered in advance, services and equipment will be subject to “floor order" rate.
CLICK HERE for order form.
You will need to obtain a permit from the State of Washington L & I Electrical inspection department if you intend to connect to electricity at the grounds and will be using your OWN electrical distribution system (feeder panel). (This does not apply to vendors that are plugging into a Fair provided receptacle with an approved extension cord or multi-strip adapter.)
Proof of General Liability insurance in mandatory for our shows. Coverage dates must include Move-In and Move-Out, December 2 - December 8, 2025. Liability requirements are $1,000,000.
Please email a copy of your certificate to to keep on file prior to show open.
It is required that we are listed on your policy as additional insured:
Marketplace Events LLC
2000 Auburn Dr Ste 200
Beachwood, OH 44122
Don't have an insurance provider? There are several companies which offer short term insurance for events, such as John Buttine Insurance, ACT insurance, or Hartford Insurance.
Free parking is available to all exhibitors in the Blue and Gold Parking Lots on South Meridian Street, across from the show. No overnight parking is allowed in these lots. Handicap spots are available at the front of both of these lots.
Vendors may only enter through the Gold Gate on the corner of 9th Ave. and Meridian and will be open for Vendor access one (1) hour prior to Show opening. No Vendor access will be granted at the Blue Gate for early access before 9 AM. If you need earlier access please contact show management.
Inside parking on the Fairgrounds has limited availability. Once you are parked inside the fairgrounds you must remain there until the end of the show each day. The Washington State Fair Events Center will charge $80.00 per vehicle for the days of the show. Due to the limited availability of parking passes, we kindly ask that these be purchased only if you have specific mobility needs or require access for onsite restocking trailers. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in helping us ensure that these passes are allocated appropriately. Your respect for this policy will greatly assist us in managing the limited spaces. This parking pass MUST be purchased at the Show Office during move-in days.
Recreational Vehicle Overnight Parking is available throughout the year in the Orange RV lot only. This RV lot offers full hook up services – power, water and sewage, however, water may be turned off during freezing weather. Anyone wishing to reserve an RV space must register in advance with the Washington State Fair Events Center. The Administration Office is open during business hours Monday through Friday. For use of a RV site, the Washington State Fair Events Center charges a daily fee of $42.00. If you have any questions or would like to pre-register please call the Washington State Fair Events Center at 253-845-1771.

The Washington State Fair Events Center offers open Wi-Fi access but doesn’t provide technical support. The Wi-Fi is free to use and no password is required. For access please go into your phone settings and select “Fair Guest”. Make sure you wait and select “Accept Terms” when prompted.
You can also connect your POS systems to a personal hotspot for reliable internet access. This ensures seamless transactions even when traditional WiFi is unavailable.
The Washington State Fair Events Center does not provide DSL service. For a secured line you must order from Lumen and complete the telephone order form (see above) and return it to the Fair Office or order through a local provider. If you have questions please call Brenda at the Washington State Fair Events Center at 253-841-5057.
![]() | 202 15th Avenue SW Puyallup, Washington 98371 |
CLICK HERE TO BOOK | $139/night |
Food Demonstrations
State Law requires that all food demonstrations meet Health Department standards and obtain necessary permits from the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. (See page 11)
Pre-packaged Foods
Exhibitors will be allowed to sell foods that are pre-packaged in sealed containers and are intended to be consumed off the Fairgrounds. Exhibitors selling pre-packaged food items should contact the Health Department for permit information. The Fair Administration reserves the right to limit or prohibit the sale or selling of selected packaged foods and set minimum quantity restrictions on items sold.
The Washington State Dept. of Revenue requires every exhibitor who participates at the show to provide a UBI number (WA State Tax ID) to conduct business in the state of Washington, or they will not be allowed to exhibit.
The show must submit all UBI numbers to the state. Please email your UBI number to
If you are an out of state/country exhibitor and need a temporary number, register online at For questions, please call 253-382-2000 for assistance. A "temporary business” is a business that has no more than two events per year in Washington, with each event lasting no longer than one month. Each temporary registration certificate is valid for one event only. You are not charged for obtaining a temporary registration certificate.
Persons who make sales in Washington outside of the two events may be responsible for additional tax liability and may be required to get a “tax registration endorsement” instead of a temporary registration certificate. Visit for more information on registration and tax reporting requirements.
Once a number has been assigned to you, please email the number to Please note that you need to report all revenue from the show to the state 10 days after the close of the show.
Sales Tax Chart: Input Washington State Fair Events Center 110 9th Ave SW, Puyallup, WA 98371.
Sponsorship Opportunities and Booth Traffic Drivers - Get some extra bang for your buck at the Victorian Country Christmas Festival! Work with us to get more people to your booth.
Guest Passes - All Exhibitors will receive 10 complimentary tickets per company! Send guest show tickets to your clients, prospects and friends. Pick up your guest passes during move-in from the Show Office. If you would like to order more than the 10 tickets provided, additional passes can be purchased for only $10.00 each.
Click Below to download a flyer to have at you place of business to hand out to your loyal customers and they will receive a $2.00 discount off ticket prices!
CLICK HERE to download a Ticket Promo QR code flyer.
NEW! We offer Poinsettias to help elevate your booth!

Share your show pics or your planning process with us. Click the icons below for our official profile pages

Hashtags: #VictorianCountryChristmas #VCC25
In efforts to protect potential joint customers from fraudulent events and scammers, we request that you do not create your own Facebook Event. This helps us manage ticket sales for the event, and ensures that
our team are available to support both exhibitors and potential attendees with any questions, comments, or concerns that they have. Please feel free to reach out to your show manager or show marketing manager with your companies’ Facebook
page and we can add you as a co-host to the official event.
Click Here to go to our Facebook Event for 2025.
Click Here for the Social Media Marketing Kit and some images you can share
----- NEW Political Merchandise Policy for 2024 -----
As we enter a highly volatile political environment in advance of the 2024 General Election, Marketplace Events (MPE) wants to make clear its position on what content will not be permitted on its exhibit floors in all its US consumer home and holiday shows effective January 1, 2024. MPE shows are welcoming environments built solely to encourage face-to-face commerce. Creating respectful, safe marketplaces where our attendees and exhibitors can come together to learn, shop, compare pricing and do business together is our highest priority.
MPE’s acceptability standards do not permit political candidates, parties or other groups promoting issues or ballot initiatives to participate as exhibitors. In addition, the display or sale of any products or services that are political/partisan in nature or that can be interpreted to promote, incite, or glorify hatred, violence, racial, sexual, or religious intolerance are prohibited. MPE’s judgment in applying these standards will be final.
MPE maintains these policies to ensure a welcoming environment for all attendees and exhibitors.
There have been a number of spam emails offering our attendee lists. These are scams and the senders are unauthorized to use the Marketplace Events’ name. These scammers are attempting to receive monies from exhibiting companies without providing anything in return. These emails are not approved by Marketplace Events, and Marketplace Events would never ask for bank information or other sensitive information over email.
CLICK HERE for more information.
Still have questions? Contact Us!
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PIPER NEWMAN Show Coordinator 360.480.7943 | SUSIE O'BRIEN BORER 253.260.6514
| STEPHANIE GATZIONIS Show Manager 253.204.2340 | JEFF SWENSON Group Manager 206.569.4656 |